Railroads hire van (“limo”) companies to move workers from one location to the next. It is important to know your rights, responsibilities and options if you are injured in a limo accident.

We have represented railroad workers injured in limo accidents for over twenty years. Unfortunately, van companies frequently hire unsafe, reckless and incompetent drivers. When you are injured in a limo accident, the railroad is legally responsible for the negligence of the van company and the limo driver.
After a limo accident, there are important issues that should be promptly addressed, including:
Securing evidence, including the van’s inward and outward facing camera videos, the van’s crash data, and other potential videos.
Getting medical bills paid.
Applying for Railroad Retirement Board Sickness Benefits and disability policies.
Applying for monthly payment benefits you may be entitled to known as Off-Track Vehicle Accident Benefits.
Recovering your lost wages and damages from the responsible driver(s), including the van company, railroad or third party.
Determining if your own automobile policy provides Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Underinsured/Uninsured Benefits.
If you or your loved one is involved in a van accident, call us today for a free consultation to let us help guide you through an often difficult and tricky process.